Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Left Downwind 34

Anne and I took the opportunity to attend the Senior Olympic Games at St. George, Utah in October 2006. Anne attended the games as a women's double tennis entrant, and I attended as her cheerleader.

St. George also happens to be the home of decades long friend, and my former flight instructor, Cliff Chaney. Cliff and his wife, Phyllis, provided no end to their hospitality during our stay in their wonderful city.

One sunny morning, while Anne and her partner, Judy, were consumed with whacking their little rubber balls around, Cliff called and said, "Let's go flying." My first, and naturally humble response was, "Who, me?"

The scenes over the rugged Utah landscape were spectacular. The flight was calm, relaxing, and brought back many wonderful memories of my flying years. However, regardless of the wonderment of the Lord's architecture that we enjoy while we are airborne, the excitement of flying, for a pilot, is in the approach and the achievement of a quality landing. These photos are documentation of the end of our flight, testament to the beauty of the city's natural setting, and to the joy of another first class landing. Cheers Cliff.